Tag: reserve ratio

To try to help reduce inflation, the People’s Bank of China (the central bank of China) has ordered banks to hold a greater proportion of their assets as cash. These higher reserve requirements will limit the ability of the banks to create deposits and is a form of monetary policy intended to support the fight against inflation. However, how successful is this likely to be given the rapid economic growth being experienced by China?

China lifts reserve requirements for banks Times Online (12/5/08)


1. Explain how a higher reserve requirements helps reduce inflation.
2. Evaluate two policies that the central bank could adopt, other than raising reserve requirements to help control inflation in China.
3. “As underlying inflationary pressures remain undiminished, it is vital for the government to keep its tightening policy stance to anchor inflationary expectations.” Discuss the extent to which a tightening policy stance will influence inflationary and other expectations.

Late March saw the auctioning by the Bank of England of £10.9bn to boost liquidity in financial markets. This was £5bn more than had been expected and so should help ease the liquidity position for cash-strapped banks and other financial institutions.

When the rivers run dry The Economist (6/3/08)
Bank of England answers pleas with £5bn injections Times Online (21/3/08)


1. Explain what is meant by liquidity.
2. Assess the main factors that have resulted in a shortage of liquidity in financial markets.
3. Discuss the extent to which this extra liquidity is likely to help reduce the likelihood of recession in the UK.