Credit crunch by numbers

A key cause of the financial crisis is arguably Maths. Many of the innovations in the finance industry were driven by Maths and a desire to generate higher returns from the money available. The BBC programme, More or Less, looks at the Maths of the credit crunch and considers the extent to which the misuse of mathematical principles may have contributed to the crisis. The links below look at the issues raised by the programme and also give access to the archived audio from the programme.

The Maths of the credit crunch BBC News Online (9/1/09)
More or less – programe summary (9th January programme) BBC News Online (9/1/09)
More or less – programe summary (2nd January programme) BBC News Online (2/1/09)
More less – programme (audio) BBC News Online (9/1/09)


  1. Analyse the extent to which quantitative analysis may have been responsible for the credit crunch.
  2. Consider whether the system of paying performance bonuses to bank traders created a distortion of incentives.
  3. Explain what is meant by a derivative. Discuss the role that derivatives played in the financial crisis.