Category: Essential Economics for Business: Ch 10

During his lifetime Galbraith warned extensively of the problems likely to be associated with financial excesses, and if alive today would almost certainly allow himself a ‘told you so’ moment. He was a lifelong liberal who argued that capitalism was inherently a fragile and unstable system. So what relevance does his work have to the current financial crash?

Galbraith saw this coming Guardian (15/10/08)
In praise of …The Great Crash 1929 Guardian (15/10/08)


1. Write a short paragraph summarising Galbraith’s life and work.
2. Assess the extent to which his arguments in relation to the fragility of the financial system are still relevant today.
3. Galbraith commented that all stockmarket bubbles exhibit seemingly imaginative, currently lucrative, and eventually disastrous innovation in financial structures“. Discuss the extent to which this kind of innovation (e.g. derivatives and sub-prime mortgages) may have been responsible for the current financial crisis.

Nationalisation has been seen by most people as something very much of the past. However, the financial crisis has changed all that and the recent nationalisation of banks in Iceland and part-nationalisation of UK banks has brought the concept under the economic microscope once again.

Iceland struggles for control as it nationalises Kaupthing Times Online (10/10/08)
Brown and Darling have bitten the bullet – and set the world an example Guardian (9/10/08)
G7 ministers forced to think the unthinkable Guardian (11/10/08)


1. Define the term ‘nationalsation’.
2. Assess why the Icelandic government felt that the nationalisation of Kaupthing was the best solution to their financial situation.
3. Discuss the extent to which other countries may be obliged to nationalise their banks.
4. Discuss whether the current tranche of nationalisation is likely to be extended beyond the finance industry.

Hayek, through his book the ‘Road to Serfdom’ became one of the founding fathers of the market economic system that we have adopted as the principal method of organising economic activity. However, like all neo-liberal economists, his views and recommendations have come under increasing scrutiny in the current financial crisis.

Faith. Belief. Trust. This economic orthodoxy was built on superstition Guardian (6/10/08)
Dangers of worshipping false god of self-regulating markets (3/10/08)


1. Write a short paragraph setting out the key arguments in Hayek’s book ‘The Road to Serfdom’.
2. Assess the importance of confidence in an economic system. To what extent is a lack of confidence a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’?
3. Discuss the extent to which Hayek’s work influenced the adoption of neo-liberal economic policies.

“‘Capitalism,’ Schumpeter wrote, ‘is by nature a form or method of economic change and not only never is but never can be stationary … This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism”. In the article below William Keegan looks at this process of creative destruction and relates it to the current financial crisis and the downturn in the business cycle.

Moral hazard? It’s just another danger along the capitalist way Guardian (5/10/08)
Time To Drop The Baggage That Comes With Moral Hazard Financial Times (4/10/08)


1. Explain what is meant by the term ‘Creative Destruction’.
2. Explain what is meant by the term ‘Moral Hazard’.
3. “In theory, enlightened economic policies can moderate the workings of the business cycle”. Discuss possible policies that can moderate the workings of the business cycle.
4. Discuss the extent to which the recent economic boom was an ‘asset-price boom’ rather than a ‘traditional one’.

The article linked below looks at the extent to which economic downturn and rising inequality are likely to affect crime levels in the UK. Traditionally the view has been that an economic downturn will raise crime, but is it necessarily the downturn that is causing the increased crime?

Consumed by crime Guardian (24/9/08)


1. Explain why an economic downturn may lead to increased levels of crime.
2. Discuss the extent to which deregulation of markets may have exaggerated the relationship between crime and the level of economic growth.
3. Assess the view espoused in the article that “a culture obsessed with material goods” and “competitive individualism” have led to stronger link between crime and economic growth.