Category: Essentials of Economics: Ch 08
A report from Cycling England has suggested that a £70m investment in cycling each year could save the government £520m per year. The savings result from the positive benefits of increased cycling – lower carbon dioxide emissions and lower NHS costs as we become healthier. But, do the numbers add up?
Investment in cycling could save £520m, government told Guardian (17/9/07)
1. |
Define the terms (i) external benefits (ii) external costs and (iii) marginal social benefit. |
2. |
Identify three external benefits that result from increased cycling. |
3. |
Using diagrams as appropriate, show how the market equilibrium and the socially optimum level of cycling will differ. |
4. |
Discuss policies that the government could adopt to move the market closer to the social optimum. |
The article linked below is a blog article by George Monbiot looking at the rise of neoliberal economic views and discussing whether these are simply an intellectual justification for the rich and powerful to reinforce their position.
How the neoliberals stitched up the wealth of nations for themselves Guardian (Comment is free) (28/8/07)
1. |
Write a brief summary of the neoliberal views of the founder of the Mont Pelerin Society – Friedrich Hayek. |
2. |
Explain the neoliberal argument that “….. we are best served by maximum market freedom and minimum intervention by the state. The role of government should be confined to creating and defending markets, protecting private property and defending the realm.“ |
3. |
Discuss the view espoused by George Monbiot in the article that neoliberal policies like “minimal taxes, the dismantling of public services and social security, deregulation, the breaking of the unions” serve to make the elite even richer and simply act as a “wealth grab“. |
The widening of the M6 will cost £3bn or £1000 an inch. What does this fact tell us about the government’s green priorities? Are we really leading the world on climate change as the government likes to claim? In the article below Ashley Seager (Economics Correspondent for the Guardian) looks at these issues and argues that we may be the poor man of Europe when it comes to ‘green’ policies.
Green means slow to this government Guardian (6/8/07)
1. |
Explain what Ashley Seager means by the sentence “What the government has also not done is send out new “price signals”, as economists call them” (paragraph 7). |
2. |
Explain what is meant by a feed-in tariff (FIT). Why does Ashley Seager argue that this is a vital policy tool in the fight against climate change? |
3. |
Discuss two policies that the government could adopt to help raise the proportion of renewable energy generated in the UK. |
Reading the first article linked to below, you may be forgiven for thinking that farming has moved into the realms of science fiction. Dairy farming has moved determinedly into the era of technology and now benefits from extensive economies of scale with much higher productivity levels than even a decade ago. Yet 3000 dairy farmers are planning to leave the industry in the next two years and even the largest farms are struggling to make money. The processing sector has become significantly more concentrated and margins are being squeezed ever further by the power of the supermarkets, so has the market become unbalanced with too much power in the hands of supermarkets and processors?
Rising prices, failing farms. The strange story of milk Guardian (24/4/07)
Why British dairy farming is in crisis Guardian (24/5/07)
1. |
Describe the market structure of the milk industry. |
2. |
Discuss the extent to which this market structure has changed the level of prices in the market for milk in recent years. |
3. |
Evaluate possible measures that governments could implement to make the market for milk more competitive. |
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has built up the pace of turning Venezuela into a socialist state with sweeping reforms, including extensive nationalisation. This has always been a controversial policy (not least with the private companies which will be taken into state ownership) and threatens to create further social tension in Venezuela.
Nationalisation sweeps Venezuela BBC News Online (15/5/07)
Questions |
1. |
What are the economic implications of the creation of a ‘socialist state’? |
2. |
Many of the poorest in Venezuela do not have full access to key services such as telecoms. Assess the extent to which nationalisation will help extend the reach of these services to all groups in society. |
3. |
Discuss the arguments for and against bringing key industries into state ownership. |